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(22 July 2009)
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==July 31==
TC embeds documents with docstoc:
TC tests echo comments:
O’Reilly – Microsoft’s decline:
O’Reilly – McFerrin and the pentatonic scale:
O’Reilly – human networks and organizational adaptivity:
TC – circumvent pdf restrictions with gmail:
==July 30==
Pavig – what AP meant:
*[http://imgur.com/CPLOe.jpg image]
Mashable’s twitter guidebook:
TC – gmail drops “on behalf of”:
O’Reilly – ape brain narcissism:
Mashable – iPhone hack:
Rheingold – social site ethnography:
Mashable – deal with social network overload:
Shute – tinychat:
TC - Wikia’s wikiAnswers:
Places to go in SL:
Mashable – Phish:
Arrington – maker’s schedule vs manager’s schedule:
Rubaiyat – unclasses:
==July 29==
Shute – slide wiki:
*Designer’s Affordances: http://sketching09.wikispaces.com/file/view/phil_van_allen_sketching09.pdf+
Sierra – better than yesterday:
Mashable – 7 places to watch great minds:
Kapor – software that cares:
Rheingold – an opus to Augmented Reality:
*applying Baudrillard: http://digitalcortex.net/author/freedimensional/
*Tom Saunter: http://digitalcortex.net/about/
Mashable – addatweet enables commenting through twitter:
==July 28==
Tim Kelly (on FB) – MetaLIFE:
TC – OpenDNS can extend website outages:
MobileMe iPhone application:
Rheingold – concept maps (aka mindmaps):
Shute – Ori Inbar on Augmented Reality:
Tateru – use kill switches in SL scripts:
Mashable – LinkedIn tools to brand your business:
Ries – Andrew Chen on Silicon Valley noise:
==July 27==
O’Reilly – Entrepreneurs “ask and it shall be given”:
O’Reilly – inuit open source community for SaaS:
Mashable – develop your personal brand on LinkedIn:
Tateru – http-in adds to SL communications:
Ev – find which of your Facebook friends are using twitter:
Shute – wikitude beta:
Kapor is spending too much time using StumbleUpon.
TC – Facebook’s twitter-like follow feature:
O’Reilly - Microsoft donates driver code to Linux:
==July 25==
Mashable – Foursquare the new Twitter?
TC on paid tweets:
O’Reilly – Stallman says Pirate Party would hurt free software:
Kapor – the saga of MySQL:
Hrheingold #followfriday I find useful new tools from @RobinGood @CleverClogs @RWW @scobleizer
O’Reilly – Twitter 101 for business:
==24 July 2009==
Pavig – SL permissions should resemble those of OpenType:
Pavig – interactive web comic:
Shute - Android-powered household gadgets:
TC – Twitter 101:
Shute – Ginsudo on virtual currency:
Mashable – Digsby social IM client:
CG – iPhone security is broken:
TC – Google Latitude on the iPhone doesn't run in the background:
O'Reilly – talk by the Ubuntu community manager:
O'Reilly – increase sign-ups by 200 percent:
Gmail tries to make it easy to unsubscribe from spam:
* Mashable - http://mashable.com/2009/07/23/gmail-spam-unsubscribe/
*TC - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/07/23/gmail-tries-to-make-it-easier-to-unsubscribe-from-spam-newsletters-but-fails/
==23 July 2009==
The Windows file that saves your site visit record:
On the subject of Twitter, O'Reilly admits: "Important to get on early; as with email and web, visibility gets harder later on".
TC - Social Browsing Assistant Glue Adds Recommendations
TC - EtherPad, a real-time Google Docs-like wiki tool:
Mashable – you can now change your Facebook username:
O'Reilly – an embroidery pattern language for Twitter:
TC - Rackspace is open-sourcing the specs for its Cloud Servers and Cloud Files APIs:
Mashable – 10 iPhone apps that use Facebook Connect:
TC – how-to video site:
TC - Google reader gives a friends-only "likes" option:
O'Reilly – Matt Damon's water org:
Upload photos to Facebook by email:
*Mashable: http://mashable.com/2009/07/22/facebook-email-uploads/
*TC: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/07/22/bypass-loading-facebook-by-emailing-your-pictures-and-videos-in/
Rheingold – Kaltura Open Source video:
Arrington likes Seesmic web:
==22 July 2009==
CG – on a suicide at Apple:
O'Reilly – open source for America:
TC - Xing launches the world's largest encrypted OpenSocial, to assault LinkedIn:
Lessig – Rip, a remix manifesto:
TC – Robin Wauters uses Streamy:
TC – LocalBunny gives business custom twitter bots:
Mashable on Google Wave:
O'Reilly – the Mobile broadband era: "Thanks to services like Facebook Connect, Twitter API, OpenSocial, and “embeddable” flash widgets, I can create, converge and connect locally, but share that same information globally with minimal effort" (also, Tweetie iPhone client, and MobileMe).
TC – Best Buy use of twitter:
Shute – OpenKoLab:
Mashable – ten implementations of Facebook Connect:
Orban – EFF on surveillance self-defense:
Rheingold – Best Buy on The Company as Wiki (video):
Modis papers on complexity and change:
KathySierra Any product/service that you REALLY like and are/were willing to pay for, reverse-engineer the experience it gives you. Lessons surround us.
==21 July 2009==
Orban's spime presentation:
Mashable – SiteJabber hopes to be the Yelp-style review site of online services
Orban – new warning signs:
Orban buys Widenoise for his iPhone:
Pavig - Rezzable announces BuilderBot:
TC – Bitly's new "Bento" site design:
O'Reilly – Mark Bernstein on the Apple Store approval process ("I’ll probably stop buying stuff from the app store unless someone like Gruber or PeterMe extolls it"):
TC – "Likes" on Google Reader:
Tateru RT Ondrjeka: Incredimazing bacon flowchart:
Tateru says her blog comments are getting DOSed:
*Infoworld gets dosed: http://www.infoworld.com/t/platforms/blog-comments-getting-dosed-634
*Denial of Service: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack
O'Reilly – Akamai's State of the Internet report:
TC - FriendFeed updates API:
Sierra – publishing, innovation and the web:
TC – play chess on iPhone using Facebook Connect:
Tateru's tips for SL noobs:
==20 July 2009==
Arrington – Transparency is the new objectivity:
TC – Diggbar shoots self in foot:
Burns – Incredible Disappearing Teacher:
==19 July 2009==
==19 July 2009==

Latest revision as of 12:14, 17 August 2009