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(28 February 2009)
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==28 February 2009==
Bevan Whitfield tweets a writer's guide to SL:
Bevan tweets what you can dev for your country:
Crap retweets MalBurns - virtualworldbusiness.com on avoiding the virtual land trap
Orban (who else) tweets H+ a slick singularity magazine:
Bevan tweets somegreyblock on what Facebook is for:
Nick W tweets culture in Virtual Worlds:
Prok tweets (and trashes) Facebook opens governance to users:
Bevan retweets Novamente paper on behaviour in virtual animals:
Squid tweets 140pedia:
Dusan tweets MMOX use cases:
Botgirl using issuu for her comic magazines:
Dusan tweets QuakeLive in a browser:
Bevan tweets New Media Corporation "sandbox":
==27 February 2009==
Orban tweets public data sets from Amazon Web Services:
Mitch Wagner tweets Microsoft standing to profit from downturn:
Botgirl retweeting Bevan Whitfield on Journal of Virtual World Research:
Poinky tweets Kjerulf on Lego business cards:
Laughing Squid tweets Someecards:
Bevan Whitfield tweets VMwares cloud API ambitions:
Al K tweets Twitter for Business 101:
Prok mentions wordles:
Mitch retweets Obama's elf:
Josh Knauer tweets where does data go when services die:
M's entry on the new SL blog network, with Prok unblocked:
==26 February 2009==
Rvdwals tweets the Smashing Book (and disapproves of its foreseen 30 dollar price tag):
==25 February 2009==
iYan tweets Boxxy, the rise of an Internet meme:
Al Kronos tweets Steve Dale on Is Social Networking Learning:
Al Kronos tweets the Coke "avatar" ad:
Pavig tweets victory of goons over bob in Eve Online:
Orban backed up his account with Tweetake
Gwyneth tweets:
*She wonders why There.com wants to help to define the Open Gateway Protocol
*MMOX has been the setting for the latest "Prokofy Wars"
Ugotrade reading The Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler
Davidorban wants to compare Feedly to Twine
Josh Knauer uses both http://glance.net and http://gotomeeting.com depending on his meeting needs
Orban tweets Yahoo, Adobe, online word processors and desktop advertising:
Mashable blogs 13 online word processors:
Adobe's BuzzWord:
Was it Squid who tweeted this flickr thread full of Blingee? -
Rdvwal tweets Font Conference:
Pavig tweets NASA's MMO game using Unreal Engine:
Pavig tweets historic 2003 Bill Gate rant about Windows' lack of usability:
Pavig tweets a comparison of in-game web browsers:
Gweneth explains updating your social sites from inside SL with hellotxt:
Gwyneth tweets: "Success! SL <-> Ping.fm works flawlessly! Now I just need my Ping.fm API key approved by them"
She adds: "Someone beat me to a Ping.fm HUD."
Markus Breuer says: "in a few years comsumer pcs (i.e. netbooks) will boot into a web browser and that's it ... with operating systems."
Poinky tweets phasing, the new instancing:
Hamlet Au on OpenSim:
Rik surprised to discover his profile on the SL website:
Mitch Wagner tweets Google kicks Safari:
Cory tweets reboot.gov:
==24 February 2009==
Grace McDonnough tweets 3D immersive holographic spaces:
Prok tweets Mashable on why big brand struggle with social media:
Botgirl retweets Rheingold on thesis about user participation:
Laughing Squid tweets a pix.ly contest about twitter:
Dusan Writer tweets M Linden's Flickr stream:
Dusan tweets Novicraft virtual world team building:
David Orban tweets embed flickr slideshows on your blog:
Al Kronos tweets yammer:
Mitch Wagner trying bookmarklet for posting to Twitter: twitlet and bit.ly, but rejects automated tumblr posts for this purpose.
Rubaiyat posts his ATC project:
Ugo Trade joins Metaverse twitter group:
Pavig tweets Cenon, open source vector art package:
Valleywag takes flack for writing The End of Second Life (lots of "End of Valleywag" posts):
==23 February 2009==
Gwyneth Llewelyn using hellotxt to update across all social software at once:
Mitch Wagner tweets why hulu should embrace boxee (but what are these, and why should we care?):
Fast Company call-in on virtual worlds, with Tish Shute:
Dusan tweets long article about SL and the media:
Dusan tweets virtual worlds hype cycle:
Nick Wilson tweets People Talk article on immersive worlds:
Rheta Shan - and others - experimenting with Plurk's new Twitter-to-Plurk integration.
Cory tweets Ordinal's twitterbox:
==22 February 2009==
Notes to self:
==21 February 2009==
Dr. Manhatten says http://www.reactiongrid.com has been heavily influenced by Erica & Sam Drivers' approach to putting professionalism ahead of anonymity in VW's:
Poinky tweets learning Ruby on Github:
Clever Zebra building a list of Virtual Worlds Communities:
Botgirl tweets Facebook could raise your risk of cancer:
Nick Wilson tweets Intellagirl presentation (on some kind of technology that is new to me...):
Tateru tweets - and blogs - MMOX standards:
Massively Multiple Online X, at SL wiki:
Nick Wilson tweets AITP Keynote on Virtual Worlds (slides with lots of factoids):
Nick Wilson tweets Solipsis, Opensource Decentralized Metaverse:
Mitch Wagner tweets how to make gmail ugly:
Botgirl tweets: "Gridiron is scanning my drives now and I'm looking forward to playing with it."
Mitch Joel is president of TwistImage:
Mitch Joel's blog features Marc Andreessen:
Mitch Wagner tweets Cory Doctoro on "collapse anxiety":
Poinky tweets signific, a Massively Multiplayer Online thought-experiment:
Mitch Wagner is the Copper Robot:
Laughing Squid tweets a 100 kilo website:
And here's the result, the (Czeck) Idea-Entrepreneur website:
Dusan retweets Mal Burns about virtual goods on Twitter:
==20 February 2009==
Dusan Writer likes Raph Koster's Metaplace Evangelism.
SinTrenton tweets: "Setting up portable Google Chrome 2.0 with mobile bookmarks on USB. Quickest "jack in anywhere"."
Pavig tweets fatfoogoo "monetizing your game":
Pavig tweets Fireball on "copying the wrong thing":
Sin Trenton tweets disposable chat rooms:
Rick van der Wal tweets twitter bots:
Mitch Wagner tweets Vista's DRM not so bad:
Botgirl tweets a visual story-telling encyclopedia:
Crinid post about convergent thinking:
:Answer these questions with one word:
::What are you passionate about?
::What do you like about your current job ?
::What do you value most in life?
::Where do you want to be in 5 years?
::What is the stuff dreams are made of?
Rubaiyat tweets clipnabber to download videos:
Crap - and others - tweet The Spy Who Lives Here:
==19 February 2009==
Botgirl tweets Stowe Boyde on canonical features of streaming applications:
Nick Wilson tweets the Aula business environment for SL and OpenSim, which reminds him of his own ill-fated Clever Zebra project:
Nick Wilson tweets Erica Driver's ThinkBalm Innovation Community:
Mitch Wagner tweets Orlov on Social Collapse Best Practices:
Laughing Squid tweets French street artist ZEVS liquidating Google:
Nick Wilson tweets a primer on virtual event marketing:
Ordinal posts Virtual Worlds Directory Hud at Rezzable:
Al Kronos starts a list on Blist about collaboration, social networks or (not "and") enterprise 2.0:
Botgirl tweets Surfing Google Earth with a Wii board:
==18 February 2009==
Pavig tweets "behaviorists gain access to way-too-much everquest data":
Prokofy tweets Mark Pesce on hyperconnectivity and mob rule:
Dandellion links to Gwyneth's Post-Immersionism:
Al Kronos tweets CoolViewer, latest alternative SL viewer.
Sin Trenton tweets about ping.fm and Identi.ca - I should see what those are.
Cory tweets "Josh and Rita's" (and Rose's) SL Islamic project:
NickWilson tweets SL parody video:
Ordinal and Pavig tweet Browser HUD:
Dusan tweets Darb Dabney's OpenSim GIS presentation in SL machinima:
Botgirl tweets vizthink:
Prokofy tweets Mr. Tweet:
Botgirl tweets Feedly:
Botgirl tweets sketch sharing:
Sin Trenton tweets about Tumblr feeding into twitter.
==17 February 2009==
Bevan Whitfield tweets Radar Masukami on the scaling problems of OSGrid's Asset Server:
Radar links to an Adam Frisby post explaining the problem:
Pavig tweets Mozilla Bespin, cloud-based code editing:
Dusan Writer on virtual world agencies:
The blog of Jon Brouchoud about virtual architecture:
Digado follows Dusan's blog, Pavig's twitter stream and Justin Gibbs for news outside SL. Btw Digado seems to be Rick van der Wals:
Nick Wilson tweets Open Cobalt, P2P virtual worlds:
Botgirl tweets TechCrunch on Twitter as a database for mining the thought stream:
==15 February 2009==
Rick van der Wal links to an article called "The Speed of Ideas" on the crinid.com website, the authors of which are himself, Martin in’t Veld and Risha Pradkin:
This article, written by Risha, links to Seth Godin's blog:
After twittering a bit, I remembered that today is the second Grand Tour, so I went inworld to Fatima's Wonderland. My pc is a bit old for big crowds - half the avatars are still grey, and I'm not getting the music. The only person I know is KlausWulfenbach, and he seems afk...
One of Danton's dreams: rent a server and install OpenSim:
I just rented a low-end dedicated server with Windows, so that I can install OpenSim more easily than with Linux.
Mitch Wagner likes KAA's social media rant:
Nick Wilson tweets scaling Drupal:
Pavig tweets EFF on bloggers' rights:
Gwyneth Llewelyn links to the shift happens wiki:
Ugo Trade tweets Games Alfresco, augmented reality blog by Ori Inbar:
Gwyneth tweets that OpenDNS made it seem Google was down:
==13 February 2009==
==13 February 2009==
'''I've started following Twitter again!'''
'''I've started following Twitter again!'''
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LaughingSquid tweets the WHIR, Website Hosting Industry Review:
LaughingSquid tweets the WHIR, Web Host Industry Review:
Prokofy tweets the people that run everything online and should be overthrown:
LaughingSquid tweets Linus Torvalds' 25 Things About Me:
==10 February 2009==
==10 February 2009==

Latest revision as of 19:26, 28 February 2009