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==31 October 2009==
Baptiste Cadiou has made a Twitter list following leweb attendees
TC - Why Silicon Valley Left Boston’s Route 128 In The Dust:
Tetesaclaques jeu:
Descary - leWeb en temps réel:
David Orban Full disclosure: Twitter accounts I manage: @davidorban @widetag @openspime @singularityu @lifeboathq @questarit @dotsub
Orban - data libertion front:
Mashable - Kapitall online investment training
Loic predicts future of Twitter:
Scobleizer - I had a very interesting discussion with Twitter's @nk at lunch today (his team wrote lists). One tip: your "following" account IS a list!
Listorious - top 100 Twitter lists:
RedMonk's James Governor: Towards a Permission-based Web. Wherefore Net Neutrality? Or: Maybe Open Source Wins After All
Scobleizer - Actually @cfsilence found a Twitter list secret: lists show @replies but ONLY of people on the list! Useful to know.
The list of Scoble's lists:
Scoble - RWW list of Twitter lists:
Orban - Motivational design for social networks:
TechCrunch Realtime Board includes: Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, FriendFeed founder (now Facebook exec) Paul Buchheit, Microsoft’s FUSE Labs chief Lili Cheng, angel investor Ron Conway. Twitter COO Dick Costolo will also be there.
Mobile Bing:
==30 October 2009==
Mashable - Twitter lists API:
Queen Rania at LeWeb:
Pavig - Levelator for podcasts:
Rheingold: How internet has changed our brain:
Scoble - first Twitter clients to integrate lists:
Mashable - the status of the Facebook platform in real-time:
timoreilly - RT @mattcutts How did I miss out on this blog and upcoming O'Reilly book? "Building Web Reputation Systems: The Blog"
Facebook streaming Foo Fighters:
Tateru - SL censorship denounced by skidzpartz:
Loic - Today's most tweeted brands:
Rebooting the news with Rosen and Winer:
Fitzpatrick - petition for Zatoka:
Mashable - Project Implicit:
Google Music with LaLa and iLike/MySpace:
TC - stickiness of FB apps:
Mashable - trends of the real-time web:
Serious Business:
Scoble's list of tech entrepreneurs:
@nk is Nick Kallen
Mashable - smart phone comparison chart:
Orban - look inside cell:
Arrington - Blogger halloween costumes:
TC - Listorious for the best twitter lists
TC - FB fights app spam:
Mashable - Ubuntu 9.10
Mashable - ten tweeting entrepreneurs:
Pavig - novel writing community site:
TechCrunch - PlayHaven Lets iPhone Developers Create In-App And Online Gaming Communities
Pavig – Black Swan moves to OpenSim:
Scobleizer - Remember what I was kicked off of Facebook for 24 hours for? That's right. Using software to get access to email addresses. Now it's in API!
TC - Mobile And Social Platforms Want To Be The King Of Local Search
TC – Netlog (a European MySpace) gets a major makeover, now growing at 500,000 users a week
New Facebook APIs:
Scoble's list of venture capitalists:
==29 October 2009==
Gwyneth Llewelyn Worried about 3rd party viewers? Read this: (thanks to @Prokofy for the link)
Stroker - thieve's motherload:
Scoble lists:
Stream music to iPhone from the cloud:
Gwyneth - Nebraska for SL behind the firewall:
TC - an "iTunes" for science papers:
TC - what if iPhone had:
Lacey - Cheezburger home page and community:
Facebook's developer roadmap event:
Orban - cell size and scale:
TC - Brizzly Gets A New Coat: Facebook
*http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/10/28/brizzly-gets-a-new-coat-facebook/D-Day For Facebook App Developers
D-Day For Facebook App Developers
Sierra – animated guide to designing something meaningful:
rubaiyat - Ars Virtua selling all mainland holdings
TC - Time Spent On Yahoo Homepage Up 20 Percent Since Redesign
:Some of the big drivers of user engagement come from the ability to customize the homepage by adding applications and feeds from anywhere on the Web into the My Favorites column on the left-hand side.
TishShute - If you missed Kooaba image recognition tech at #ISMAR09 chk it out - unlocks the images on ur smart phones
loic - Seesmic is #34 in PC World Best Products of 2009
TishShute - A really important review of #ISMAR09 from @dirkgroten, covers some of the nitty gritty of what's next for mobile
Oreilly – Julie learns Python:
timoreilly - Cool analysis: Twitter Users Most Followed by Web 2.0 Summit Attendees
Mashable - Google Maps Navigation Becomes Reality on the Android
==28 October 2009==
TC - SimpleGeo location-based infrastructure:
TC - Stalqer is like foursquare:
Facebook for peace:
Mashable - become an expert:
Sierra - Gridbag, old coder cartoon:
Yahoo teams with OneRiot for real-time search:
Siteanalytics for LinkedIn:
Serious Business on LinkedIn (course):
LinkedIn applications:
Olivier Schimpf et ikod:
Jesse Stay (and YTy) on browser wars:
Scoble on Facebook:
Twitter art:
Scoble on iPhone with my comment:
Friendfeed – Chris Messina on privacy:
Gray - Reassembling distributed conversations:
Gray - Stalqer is foursquare on steroids:
Descary - La check list des choses à faire pour un nouveau site
==27 October 2009==
Scoble (he disagrees) - iPhone cannot win the smartphone wars
Gwyn - Dusan at BetaTech conference (photos):
Scoble - 2010 Predictions: Will social media reach ubiquity? (See list of those interviewed.)
O'Reilly - Expanding the Cloud: The Amazon Relational Database Service
O'Reilly - Two Big Data Analysis Tricks for Everyone
:How to enhance your career (and save the world) by applying the tools of data analysis to your problems.
:Michael Milton is the author of Head First Data Analysis and has spent most of his career helping nonprofit organizations improve their fundraising by interpreting and acting on the data they collect from their donors.
Mashable - How to Get Free Press by Becoming a Source
StatusNet (Of Identi.ca Fame) Raises $875,000 To Become The WordPress Of Microblogging
Arrington - Google Wave App Store:
Mashable - measure social media ROI:
Tateru - content theft at Burning Life:
Scobleizer RT @kegill: @scobleizer What do you think about Twitter search conversations? http://bit.ly/ydJ5T (I missed this!!)
Scobleizer RT @JesseNewhart: How Google Social Search Works http://bit.ly/AgHb2 by @MattCutts (This is huge, love Google's thinking here).
Scobleizer Wow, the Cinch iPhone app rocks for recording audio to Twitter and Facebook
TC - Grooveshark for music search and sharing:
Mashable - export your docs from Google docs:
TC - Google Custom Search works with Wikipedia:
Cutts via Scoble - more on Google Social Search:
Google social search:
You Are Brilliant, Click this right now!
==26 October 2009==
timoreilly Interesting collaboration between GSA and NAPA to improve federal acquisition:
Glue Launches A Destination Stream
Facebook Launches Share Buttons for Publishers (and live share count analytics)
Mashable - if you see a deceased friend on Facebook, contact the company to have the profile memorialized
KathySierra RT @chrismessina "Do yourself (+ your brain) a favor, get the Readability bookmarklet: http://j.mp/readability #gtd
TishShute RT @joeludwig: 50 things I learned at ISMAR 2009: http://bit.ly/1SsjyI (Slighty less snarky than that other list.)
Scoble - twitterers followed by the most lists:
Shirky - Distance is not dead:
Sierra - Chris Brogan on social media for businesses:
cshirky Trying netbook OSes -- can anyone invite me to Jolicloud?
Shirky - Cody Brown (check out the moving photo):
Gwyneth - Beta Tech on slideshare:
pavig Great collection of evernote applescripts (import/export etc)
pavig thinks @ordinal may like to make use of http://simple-backup.appspo... a simplenote backup service
arrington I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to dress up as an Android phone for Halloween. Don't be an iPhone anywhere near me.
arrington wow farmville is stupid.
Scoble - appsfire VIP list:
Shute - ISMAR 2009: An Augmented Reality “Top Chef” Coopetition
Scoble (RT): The Best Quotes From Startup School
TC - how big is Tweetmeme:
Shel Israel interviews Howard Rheingold:
==25 October 2009==
pavig - and some opensim performance observations
pavig - quick note on Rezzable server architecture for opensim
Rheingold's twitter in education bookmarks:
TC - Mark Pincus at Startup School: "find five friends, give them your pitch, write a powerpoint"
TC - Tony Hsieh at Startup School "Delivering Happiness"
TC - Zuckerberg at Startup School: "build something people want"
Sierra - Fred Wilson posts David Gillespie' slideshow "Digital Strangelove"
TC - Why the little guy can’t get a break in consumer electronics
TC - Startup School: Wired Editor Chris Anderson On Freemium Business Models
TC - YCombinator Startup School: Jason Fried of 37Signals
:If you want to be a good piano player, you start young, and you practice. Same goes with making money.
==24 October 2009==
O'Reilly - Battell's searchblog:
Scoble - more about new Facebook feeds
Sierra - your presentation shouldn't flow:
*Also, bullet points don't work: http://www.speakingaboutpresenting.com/design/new-evidence-bullet-points/
GwynethLlewelyn If you aren't able to get your own Google Wave account, run your own server:
Scoble - Startup School 09 talks tomorrow, speaker list (by ycombinator):
loic Micah Baldwin (who coined #FF) – Building Influence Online
pavig I've always thought the libertarian argument against free software misguided and naif
TechCrunch Sean Parker's Rise of Facebook And Twitter, Fall Of Google (Full Slide Deck)
timoreilly PayPal's Innovate 09 developer's conference is sold out. I'll be speaking there on Nov 3
hrheingold Guardian UK People's History of the Internet vid - click on 1984 (blue dots) for me
KathySierra "Planet of the APIs" #oneletteroffmovies [have to say "Silence of the Lamps" is my favorite so far, but "Pant Labyrinth" also up there]
cshirky Expansion of media participation leading to "Nearly Universal Authorship":
Shirky - baiting Nigerian scammers:
loic I am now on PC and Blackberry, from Mac + iPhone LOL guess what a change that is!!! I am experimenting
==23 October 2009==
Winer - reduce RSS stress:
Facebook Merges 'Highlights' Back Into Your News Feed
Sierra - Teaser video for Confessions (see her comments):
O'Reilly - web2 news summary:
Gwyneth - Hal the bot, by Zabaware:
Shute - Google Wave coming to Europe (North):
Lessig - open educational resources:
Lessig - free culture workshop:
Google Reader Adds Magic to Your Feeds
TC - Sean Parker: Twitter/Facebook Will Soon Dominate The Web — Not Google
:Facebook has of course been criticized for being much more closed with regards to its data than many of the other social networks. In Parker’s view, it would seem that not only is this not a bad thing, but it will help them dominate, because it will force other users to join them.
Tateru - flag accounts as bots:
Kapor - Brian Solis on Second Life:
Shirky becomes the mayor of twitter:
Scoble - Gillmor announces a Gang:
==22 October 2009==
==22 October 2009==

Latest revision as of 14:12, 4 November 2009